
I have not written a Marshall update in way too long.

Physically, he has changed so much this summer. He is tall. Really tall. The cub had grown two full inches since April! He outgrew all of his clothes and shoes, now wearing sizes 3/4 and 8 respectively.

His head is covered with beautiful golden hair. It is honey brown underneath and almost white on top. We have successfully cut it once in February at the barber's. But, he wants NOTHING to do with it, now. He wants a ponytail.

I am always impressed with his physical abilities; taking off and putting on open shoes (wellington boots and crocs), taking off pants, setting up the stool and potty seat combination to use the toilet and wash his hands, climbing, balancing, and using his upper body strength to pull himself up ladders and rings.

Each day Marsh surprises us with a new word or combination of words. He used his words carefully "I sorry, Neko." or "Marshall disappointed" and sometimes with force to relieve frustration; "Cinders and ashes!". He says some of the funniest things that my ears have ever heard:

A couple of weeks ago, I said to Ein (one of our two cats) "What were you doing outside all night?" Marsh says, "Singing." "Singing? Singing what?" "Twinkle, twinkle little meat."

"Marshall hear snake." "You hear a snake? What is it doing?" "Eating loon." "A snake is eating a loon? Where?" "In the woods. Over there." "Why?" "To cool down."

I love being by his side as he takes in the world around him. His curiosity and joy are contagious.