

The babe is walking 5-6 steps at a time, by himself. We are all pretty excited about it. The look of glee on his little face! He has added some nice new “words” to his vocabulary. My favorite is “thank you”. It is the same inflection that I use when telling him thank you, without the actual words being formed.

Adam and I are trying to figure out how to keep Marshall from biting so much…We are covered with bites and bruises. He even bit his beloved Nanny. It definitely seems to be teething related. He now has all his primary and secondary incisors and his top left first molar! There appear to be 3 more first molars on their way. Phew! Can’t wait for him to feel more comfortable.



Cubby is speaking to us! He has been saying “ahdun” when he is finished eating, getting a change, taking a bath, or just ready to move on to something else. He says “Dadadadada” to Adam and when Adam is around and yesterday started saying “Mum Ma”. Today, the babe is really trying out the effect that “Mum Ma” has on me.

Marshall has made dadada and mamama sounds for a while now, but the words seem discriminate, now. And isn’t that what speech really is? Sounds made at relevant times that resonate with the listener? Wait. If that is the definition, then I know many people who do not speak, they just babble.