
Peeking In

I asked my GP if I could have my quantitative hCG levels checked, last week. I wanted some reassurance that this pregnancy is progessing in a healthy way.

Tuesday's hCG level was 71,000 mIU/ml. I had blood drawn again on Thursday. The levels did not double in a 48-hour period, as my GP wanted, so she scheduled an ultrasound for Friday. I was trying very hard not to be worried. I know that an ultrasound is a more reliable/accurate way to test pregnancy progress, but I had wanted to avoid any early ultrasounds.

I went to our little, local hospital to have the ultrasound. I really had to fight back fear and sadness, as I knew it was premature. The ultrasound tech measured the gestational sac and said that it measured at 5 weeks, 1 day. I know when this baby was conceived and that was off by a week and 2 days. My heart sank.

Then, she turned the screen toward me. She had detected a nice heartbeat at 133 bpm! That was so wonderful to see.

The tech consulted the radiologist and came back to us. She had mismeasured the embryo. We did the ultrasound over again, and the baby measured exactly as expected; 6 weeks, 4 days!