
In Love With Another (little) Man

Yes, I am finally breaking my silence and able to fess up to the fact that I am, indeed, in love with someone other than my husband.

Marshall Leif was born at 11:03 am, on Monday, May 19th! Weighing 8 pounds, 7.5 ounces, he has filled, and overflowed, my heart.

The natural birth experience was truly amazing. I will never look at Adam the same way, again. The way that he stayed right beside me, soothing any fears, holding me close, and keeping me hydrated... I will never forget his tenderness, during the most incredible hours of my life.

I now spend my days holding, nursing, changing, wearing, playing with, and adoring my son.  I don't really have the time (or the desire) to do anything else.  I will post soon regarding: natural childbirth, circumcision (or the mutilation of male babies' genitals), breastfeeding, cloth diapering, and my sojourn in stay at home mothering.