

One thing that I have never really blogged about is cooking. I guess that is because there are so many great food blogs out there, I never really felt the need. But, I really do love to cook and find the challenges of cooking for a toddler, and a husband with a "highly selective palate" to be unique.

I plan meals carefully, two weeks at a time. That way I can avoid the grocery store as much as possible and ensure that there is little food waste. Adam and I share a google calendar that includes all dinners and special preparation (starting dough, soaking beans, etc...), so that he know ahead of time what to expect.

I was a vegetarian for years and found that to be a great way to expand my cooking experience. I began eating some meat again while I was pregnant with Marshall. So, I am omnivorous now. I try to incorporate vegetables and whole grains into each meal. Meat is so expensive that it does not play a real leading roll in our diet, although it is a regular part of it. I have been known to get sneaky  creative with vegetables, more for Adam's sake than Marshall's, honestly.

Marshall has maintained a varied diet since he began eating. I cannot think of anything that he will not try. He has favorites and likes and dislikes that I try to respect. I think that his longest standing favorite is cream cheese ("wappy up team tease" or wrap it up with cream cheese). Eggs are an absolute necessity for him. Marshall's days all start with an egg of some kind.

We make our bread at home, either by hand or with my trusty old breadmaker. The quality of bread is so far superior to anything that we can buy, the cost is ridiculously low, and my god...the way it make with house smell when it is cooking...brings me right back to my mountaintop childhood. Adam has been trying his hand at it, too and we are currently working our way through a fabulous loaf of his bread.

So, I will begin to include regular food-related posts to this blog.