

Phew! We have been busy since I last posted. There is a lot to catch up on.

We bought and moved into our new house! We are settled in now, with all everyday things unpacked. Some seasonal and storage items need to be unpacked and some books need shelves.

We did not repaint anything, yet. We decided to wait and get to know the space, see how the light enters the rooms before repainting. Nothing is objectionable, the living room is a peachy neutral, the kitchen/dining area is yellow, Adam’s office is a great sage green, and the bathroom is a light blue. Everything else in the main area of the house is just primed. The basement is sheetrocked and mudded, but not primed or painted.

Marshall is running! He loves his new, big yard. We spend as much time outside as possible. He plays with his trucks and wagon in the dirt driveway and gets up and down the grassy hills so quickly now.

I set up his bookshelf, toys, changing area, and musical instruments in the smallest, sunniest of the four bedrooms. We call it the “son room”.

The second, larger (former master bedroom) downstairs bedroom is Adam’s office. I am so glad that he has a place to spread out all his geekery and close the door when he has dangerous, small parts in use.

The two upstairs bedrooms are working out well for us. M took the initiative to begin sleeping in his own bed. I think that he likes having more room to spread out. He usually heads over to snuggle with us shortly before Adam’s alarm goes off. I am slowly getting used to it. It was very difficult at first. I kept waking up and walking over to check on him. He is very proud of his room. He grabs guests hands and pulls them up the stairs to show them his bed.

Marshall has a mouth full of white teeth. 14 in total; his top and bottom primary incisors, top and bottom lateral incisors, top canine, and top and bottom first molars. He still uses them on us. A lot.

Well, that is a start at updating. Still a lot to say. But, the babe is up from his nap and raring to go.



Twittermoms is hosting a contest to describe what home means, to us. I don’t usually enter contests, but this is a truly compelling subject.

Somewhere along the line “home” became an emotionally complicated concept, for me. I feel as though I searched for it for so very long. I searched for that place where I belonged. Where I could really breathe without fear choking me. Where I could let my guard down. Where I could find solace and sanctuary.

I have come to realize that home is not a location and that the worn out old adage that “Home is Where the Heart Is” is so true. I remember the first time that I felt home, since I was a small child. I never wanted to leave. So, I haven’t.

I knew from the beginning of our relationship that that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Adam. The first night that we spent together was not sexual. It was healing. We slept together, holding on to eachother. I felt this magical, overwhelming sense of well-being as I held on to him sharing his air, curled as tightly against his back as possible. I was finally HOME.

Each night since then, regardless of what the day has brought, I am home. Reminded of what is real, what is true, what is good. Adam holds my heart. I am secure enough in our love to allow him to hold it. So, wherever Adam is (and now, by extention our Marshall), there my heart and home are.

We are in the process of buying our first house. It is a nice, new little cape. It is close to Adam’s parents, so Marshall will still be able to see his Grammy and Grampy. It sits on an acre and a half of land, in a nice rural area. There is a brook that borders the west side of the property. We are scheduled to close on it in a month. So, I am sure that there will be many more house-related posts, soon.